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  • Writer's pictureResearch Radar

The Kayak Expedition

Today I'm going to talk about one of the most memorable adventures I've had up until this point, which is the time I went on a kayaking expedition.

So to set the story up, I should start by saying I had never kayaked before. I was pretty excited to try, but also a little nervous that I would fall behind or that I wouldn't be able to. The week before an instructor approached me and asked if I thought I would be in too much pain due to my partially torn rotator cuff. I told her I would be fine and what's the worst that could happen?

Going back to present day, the weather was absolutely perfect and the ocean was calm. I was in a solo kayak, which made it a little challenging since I was still learning to steer. I paddled myself into the shore and a little too far out to sea. However, I eventually got used to it and made it to the first campsite. The night ended with a campfire dinner, some snorkeling, and some time relaxing around the campfire. It also ended with a sore shoulder. From then on, this trip was increasingly difficult.

The second day also went well. After a slow wake up, we were on our way. I was now in a double kayak and, although it was more wavy then before, a relatively easy day. It rained at night, but even that cleared up and we had the chance to make brownies over a fire.

The third day is the day that everything changed. People in the group now shudder at the very mention of kayaking. We were determined to get going earlier then the day before, however that didn't make up for the slowest trek ever in the history of kayaking. After 2 hours, big waves, and multiple close calls almost capsizing, we traveled about 1 mile. Compared to the 4 miles in 2 hours the day before, this was a let down. The group started to feel defeated and morale was hanging be a string called riddles.

The first partner and I were not really a good match for kayaking as we both lacked experience, so we split into new partners. I got lucky and had a very experienced partner. However, the partner I had before was somehow worse off in his new partnership and ended up drifting a long way back, to a point where they yelled for help but no one could hear them... except for someone else who's kayak got waterlogged and also was essentially alone. Our entire group was starting to fall apart.

We never made it to the campsite. We pulled over as the sun set and quickly set up camp. This also meant we didn't get our resupply of foods, so we made a pasta dinner with what we had. My shoulder was in a lot of pain, and I was told that I was going to be sent home the next morning. Although I knew it was for the best, I was actually upset that I would be going back early. I gave my PJs to the girl who's kayak waterlogged because all her clothes were wet and I was leaving. After talking for a bit, we went to sleep hoping that the bad luck would be over the next day.

The next morning, morale was at a new low. I was one of the first up and another group member was making a fire. I watched a couple people get out of their tents, walk a few steps, and lie face down in the sand. Someone else developed a rash. We started to boil eggs, but eventually gave up. More people started to lay face down in the sand. The depression was real. A couple of people came from the other group to bring food and lead us to their campsite, but upon arrival they said we looked like we were in a ship wreck. However, after having a meal, getting to the campsite and another meal, our group recovered.

I ended up staying because the kayaking was done. I was really happy I got to finish the experience with everyone. And regardless of having that really hard day in the middle, I still enjoyed the majority of the trip. It was a bonding experience for sure with everyone on that rip, and a learning experience as well. It was one of my most memorable adventures for sure.

That's all I have to say!

x Emma

*All less than ideal events are due to a combination of poor weather, bad luck, and terrible kayaking skills. Island School is a responsible organization that guided us through the unfortunate happenings of day 3.

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