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A Day in the Life of the Island School

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

The Island School is a fun, yet busy, community filled with impactful research experiences and adventures. Being a Gap Year student this year, I've had the chance to experience the lifestyle. Here's what an average day looks like:


6:30- Wake Up

7:00- Meet for Morning Exercise (AMX)

8:00- Get Ready For Day

8:15- Breakfast

9:30- Group Work 1

12:15- Lunch

1:30- Group Work 2

5:00- Free Time

6:15- Dinner

7:30- Night Meeting/Activity

~8:45- Evening

10:00- Lights Out

AMX consists of a variety of exercises, either running, swimming, or a combination of both. There are also a couple of days designated for playing team games, snorkeling, and scuba diving. The importance to AMX is that the field research is physically demanding and the exercise is a way for the community to stay in shape and for teams to connect with each other. A favorite group exercise is the Run-Swim, a workout created by Chris Maxey, the founder and former Navy Seal. This workout is swimming, running, and circuits all rolled up into one. It's tiring, but a great way to get into shape and measure progress.

Group Work is just what I'm calling the block of time that is spent working on research in the field and learning. Everyday is different and exciting, and equally as fast paced. The topics worked on are marine ecology and sustainability. The most consistent research I participated in was with stingrays and this was my major project during the semester.

Cape Eleuthera Institute research group conducting research on a southern stingray. All research was conducted with a professional research license and all animals were treated respectfully.

At night, we either have a group talk, do chores, or have a night activity (such as yoga). On a weekend, we will have the night off. Then we can do either fun things on campus (movie night, dance party, etc.) or, under supervision of instructors, have a night out at the Marina.

This is just an example of how a day goes at the Island School. Everyday is different from the one before. Sometimes entire days are spent in the field. Others are spent on expeditions. However, every day is an adventure and an experience that I'll never forget.

That's all I have to say!

x Emma

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